Still in Recovery

Still Doing This One Day at a Time

His Civic Duty

Posted by on Nov 12, 2015 |

I must say how rewarding it is to work with others. I receive a daily gratitude text from my Sponsees and it never ceases to amaze me the things that people can be grateful for. This particular guy is on fire lately with all of the changes and good things that keep happening to him. I haven’t told him yet that life is the same he is just looking at it differently.

A few weeks ago he was called to do his civic duty in court and show up for jury duty. Now keep in mind that this guy two years ago wanted nothing to do with the police, judges or anything of authority in general. Throughout his journey he has slowly come to realize that they were just doing their jobs and he was the one out of line.

So today he goes in for jury duty and his gratitude text went like this…

“Grateful for doing my civic duty.
That I’m not on a jury.
Going home where it’s warm.”

Then a couple of minutes later I get this one…

“Oh yeah, one more thing, not being the one on trial!”

Love the humor this guy has now. He was a miserable retch when he walked through the doors of AA a couple of years ago and now the smile seems pasted on his face. Sober is better for him too apparently.