Still in Recovery

Still Doing This One Day at a Time

Of Quips and Gratitude

Posted by on Oct 29, 2015 |

Today in my morning meeting I was feeling a little more sparky than usual. Maybe the coffee was stronger, maybe I knew that this is going to be a good day. The day started off with me being the chairperson and will end with my home group birthday meeting, where I get to see a Sponsee receive a two year coin. Either way it was a fun morning. This morning was a Tradition meeting and this being October we discussed the Tenth Tradition from the 12 and 12.

During the preamble and introductions an opportunity arose for me to poke a little fun at my Sponsee (the one that has two years.) A little later in the meeting he had a chance to volley a quip back at me. The whole room had a good chuckle at his response. Well timed and well played sir.

Later he shared his daily gratitude list with me and he was grateful for being able to “trade quips with my Sponsor.” I love it! Humor is such a great way to start the day. This also shows a lot of growth on his part. Two years ago he never smiled, let alone laughed or verbal jousted.

We are not a glum lot.